Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Headless Doll in progress

I'm trying something different. This doll took me along for a fun ride. I didn't really plan her, just started needle sculpting the head in a screwey way to see what happened. She's definitely not going to be any kind of pretty, but she's a great experiment because I followed the lead of the head more than ever. I need to costume her as I'm putting her limbs together, which means I had to dye her before she was put together. This doll is teaching me to loosen up a bit. Can't wait to see her finished. It should be soon, since I'm obsessed now. Love it when that happens.

I have my treasure of the Gypsy fabrics and trims hanging in my studio waiting for inspiration. They havn't spoken to me yet. I'm not so keen on the girl-at-the-window idea anymore. I'll just have to wait and see. I hate to just dive in without a plan for that project. Sometimes that's great, but I only have so much fabric to use for the challenge. When it's gone it's gone. I did find a gorgeous broken bracelet whose beads complement the orange and purples beautifully. That's a plus.

I'm off to Jazzercise this morning and have a few things to get to today, including a press release for school. It's already composed in my head, which helps a lot. The kids need school shoes, too. That's an easy one, just a hassle, and not the kind of errand they love to do.


Lori S-C said...

Yo Jen,
Gonna make it to AFF this year?

Unknown said...

Not this year. And how I miss it! I'm helping plan a fiber art retreat in Round Top TX next year, though. More local, and hopefully just as much fun. Miss you, Lori!