Thursday, July 09, 2009

The topsy turvy doll is all mine.

Katie's making her own doll!

My doll.

Sorry Katie, I know you wanted this one. But "Little Wink/OMG" ended up belonging only to me.

Daughter Katie was miffed when I told her she couldn't have this doll, which I love. So she made her own! I need to emial Roxanne Padgett the pictures of Katie making one of her own topsy turvy dolls from the instructor packet Roxanne gave us. Katie had fun making hers too (top pic.)

See, the old adage is true: "Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."
Same with topsy turvy dolls.


Sam Maropis said...

I love OMG


Unknown said...

Thanks, Sam! I do too. Can't wait to make more of these. I bought new fabric in Lincoln at the Quilt Study Center with more dolls in mind. Nothing like the first one, though.

Sam Maropis said...

You make some great stuff, since I have no art talent at all, it is always really nice to see an Artist at work.

LynAnne Smucker said...

Your doll and the one your daughter made look so fun. These look like a great way to use up some of the smaller scraps of fabrics I have around.