Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Good Life

After a couple of weeks in Nebraska seeing family and old friends, we came back home and immediately started preparing for school. If I haven't said it before, we've been really lazy this summer, staying up late, sleeping late, playing way too many video games and watching too many reruns of Spongebob. The trip to NE was nice, since the kids met up with lots of cousins and played together for days. Mom's house turned 100 years old, so she threw a big party (in 90 degree heat), complete with a giant potluck dinner. We canoed, fished, went to a family reunion, stayed up half the night with college friends --the things you do when you go "home". I admit I do my share of grumbling that our vacations always seem to be spent in the midwest with family, but really, there's no better way to re-discover the simple blessings I take for granted.

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