Sunday, July 24, 2011

From the Roadside to the Table

This is Roger -- well known purveyor of tomatoes and peaches on Highway 71 just west of Bee Cave. He's usually there every day between around 9 and 4 or 5 (I guess whenever he runs out of produce, or gets bored or hot.)

I can get 7 nice tomatoes or peaches for 5 dollars. Let me tell you, it's a bargain compared to the grocery store!

If you've never eaten a tomato or peach still warm from the heat of summer and never exposed to air conditioning, then you haven't lived, I'm sorry to say.

I photographed the gorgeous fuzzy oranges and yellows and that tomato-y sheen on my shady back porch and then proceeded to make lunch.

As I was chowing down on the tasty salad and reading a library book, it occurred to me to stop and enjoy every blessed bite.

I put the book aside and delighted in the taste of SUMMER.

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