Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dolly's out there somewhere...

...pushing some awesome looking clouds into the Austin area. This has been the summer for breathtaking skies in the Hill Country. The last time I remember clouds like this was 7 years ago, the summer after Willie was born. It was hot of course and we had lots of visitors that summer in to see the new baby. My Aunt Sharon in particular (visiting from Nebraska) oohed and aahed over the Texas skies, and at the time I didn't think much of it, being only a couple of years new to the area and still in love with the newness of its beauty, the hills and flowers and creeks and lakes, not to mention my three babies who took much of my visual attention those years. But ever since, I keep my eyes on the skies to see if I can see what she saw on her visit.

This summer I see it. Not much rain here, but the most amazing unreal clouds passing through the sunshine. They don't even provide any shade as they pass by. The sun beats down through them. And they scoot and curl and move, too, offering a different view each time I peer out the back door. I have a file just for cloud photos now.

These are Hurricane Dolly clouds today. I hope we get some rain from the storm, since our little Bee Creek has been dry since spring and the lake is too low for much fun from the shore (fishing, swimming). But we can be thankful the damage at the coast is relatively minimal.

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