All done -- well, almost. The only thing left to do is agitate the fibers inside the bag. Mary McCauly, our felting guru, came up with this ingenious make-and-take idea. After a few minutes of play at our booth table, the newbie felter can walk away with her bag of fibers, all soaked down and soapy and ready to agitate. So we recommended everyone who left our table to walk around Maker Faire and squeeze, knead, roll, twist, slap, or pound her baggie of squishiness until her new piece of felt came together. All that was left to do when she got home was to rinse it and let it air dry. Viola -- Felt!
At the end of the weekend, the AFA table won the Editor's Choice Award! Mary noted, "The project created a lot of excitement: People saw others walking around massaging their bags and wanted one. It became infectious that way. Out of every bag came something wondrous."
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