Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Crochet Coral Reef

Jen Hirt, from the Museum of Ephemerata and my kids' art teacher (lucky us!) sent me this link, which I will pass on to you. Apparently, scientists discovered that the growth of coral can be reproduced through crochet stitches exactly mimicking the expanding and warping growth process. What fun. The Institute for Figuring website explains the process and shows you all kinds of crocheted coral and even invites you to make your own.

On a related note, I had an hour to kill in B&N today, where I found myself browsing the science and math aisle. There are many recently published books I didn't even know I wanted. Understanding prime numbers, mirror cells in the brain which are foundations of social interaction, or why humans are wired for music are all subjects within reach of the average jane. Well written contemporary science reads like a good story. Last year I discussed this popular genre with a brainy friend who runs a lab at Harvard. She said she couldn't enjoy these types of books because wasn't convinced the facts were "true". Probably unfortunately for me, I'm not one who needs proof on the molecular level that things are true, so I guess I can enjoy these types of books. I'm sure a couple of these will end up on my summer reading list.

The last days of school are upon us. Summer is here, but I'm feeling no inclination to relax -- scary. Just when I think I have plenty to do, I go and find more. Today my Jazzercise friends met for lunch at Johnny Fins, a floating restaurant on Lake Travis. I indulged (since there's no telling when I might be going out to lunch with the ladies any time soon) and met a new friend among them who makes gourd art, so we're planning a get together sometime this summer. A Fiber Arts meeting tonight inspired me (as usual) to do something different and creative with wool roving, but I'm thinking dryer lint might work almost as well.

Meanwhile, my son turned seven this week. He and his younger brother are busy with tee ball, and LEGO projects while thankfully my daughter's schedule is loosening up after a big dance recital last week. Too many hobbies around here lately. On top of it all, my Valentine doll is being exhibited at the TX Capitol this weekend and we're bringing an adopted cat into our home on Friday afternoon. What can I say; we stopped in for Guinnea Pig food and came out with adoption papers. He's a big mellow fellow named Pinto and I just know he's going to love it here!
More on the Fiber Arts exhibit tomorrow...I should probably sleep at some point tonight.

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