I got my chance last night. I needed to make an 8 x 8-inch "quiltlet" for a round robin I am doing with some ladies from Art Fiber Fest last year. The theme for this one is "inspirational quotes."
As I was puttering around my studio last night I came across the Emily Dickinson line, "I dwell in Possibility- a fairer House than Prose. More numerous for Windows -- Superior -- for Doors." (I can't remember her exact capitalization and dash use, but this is close.) I've always loved this line and it seemed to go with the red house by Russian painter Kazimir Severinovich Malevich, whom I have never heard of, but whose primitive little image made in 1932 I adore. The fact that it is nearly a perfect square helped me make my decision to use it for my contribution to the quilt project. The colors I found from my scrap stash are not perfectly matched, but they are pretty close.
My favorite part of the composition is the pink strip at the bottom.