I just put the ears on today. I didn't copy a pig from a picture as I made it and so I forgot the ears completely. I kept thinking it looked like a pacybara or a guinea pig, and couldn't figure out why. Then it dawned on me. It's amazing I would forget the ears...but I did. (Funny, I don't like making ears for my dolls either.)
This is a problem which is probably a deeper reflection on my ability to listen. It seems to be a theme this week, in fact, but I won't go into it now. Let's just say I could stand to open my mind, ears, and heart more and things would go better. I photographed and printed many shots of the ear-less pig before I realized the problem. Now, photographing artwork is not really one of my favorite things to do because I have to set up a background, get the light just right, use a tri-pod, etc. (it's a pain in the ass when you don't have a studio set up for it). So realizing that I would have to do that all over again after I corrected my deaf pig didn't thrill me. Anyway, it's done. And, as usual, I learned a lesson.
As I quilted Mr. (ear less) Pig last week, my mind kept turning to a show I'm doing next month at Copper Shade Tree Gallery in Round Top, TX (more about that another time). I'm excited to be in the show because it's an art quilt show, and I haven't delved into art quilts much until the last year or so. But I submitted a couple of quilts and got in (Yea!). Now I'm pressed to get two more quilts done in the next couple of weeks. I was thinking, as I hand stitched the patches onto the pig, "wouldn't it be nice if this were a quilt, then I could kill two birds with one shot." And it occurred to me: the theme of the quilt show is "It's not a quilt...Or is it?" So I think I'll take Mr. Pig down with my other quilts and see if it will go into the show! Gerald said to go ahead and be creative -- maybe this 3D quilted animal constitutes a "quilt of sorts. We'll see what the gallery-owner thinks of that.