There were 92 Gingerbread People at the end of the day. These were the ones that made it through tasting, icing, and coffee breaks. Plenty to box up and bring around to the neighbors.
The kids helped a little bit. They were especially interested in the icing, but didn't like the drippy texture, so they quit pretty quickly. I agree, the icing is not much fun to work with, but it's the only stuff that hardens so you can freeze or stack the cookies.
Besides these, I've made:
- a few batches of peanut brittle
- chocolate biscotti
- fantasy fudge
- snickerdoodles
- a couple of pans of cornflake candy
- almond cutout cookies
The goose isn't the only one getting fat! I just realized that I seem to always be wearing pajamas when I bake, come to think of it. Baking days are the days when you don't need to get dressed or made up. (And you can taste and nibble as much as you want in PJs and it doesn't count!)